Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sisters' Retreat!

My awesome sister Melba threw a sisters' retreat. The best best party ever! We have decided long long time ago that anytime a sister got married we would have to have a retreat to kick off the extremely stressful wedding planning. Melba, Nia, Mary and I went up around noon and played around Park City. We at delicious pizza and we went and looked at all the shops. Then Kara met up with us at the hotel and we played more. I love love love my sisters and my good good friends!

Melba met someone. I really hope it works out!

She's just so happy

Who looks the coldest?

We saw these boots and Nia fell in love with them. The girl told us it was $200.00, so we pretended like we could afford it- "Do you like it?" "hmmm I don't know. I think it makes me look fat" "Yeah, you're right. Besides, it's only $200.00. Not very high quality" haha

"Yeah I like them but they make me look fat."

Our sad attempt at taking a jumping picture

Theeeeere we go!

Yeah right, like Nia is really looking at the boots!

Check out that bathroom

I got the munchies so bad from all the excitement

We had to stop her before they charged us for her opening the bottles

She almost took these home

Me and Kara are so so sexy

It came with detergent. We washed everything-twice!

We're not used to high class living. We rode in the freight elevator until a worker kindly showed us to the guest elevator. Ghetto!

Of course they do a pose and not tell us about it. I ALWAYS get left out.  Sheesh

Playing high class games. Without me. no surprise

You think the concierge was freaked out by us?? I don't think so...

sooooo wierd

Hahaha Sili is gonna kill me

Bridal Shower Time!

My sisters threw a bridal shower for me a month before the wedding. It was so fun and the food was soooo delicious! Konner, Tanner, and Fui were so so sweet and came to help us set up. Leonne and Fui travel quite a bit and we hardly ever get to see them nowadays. I was very very happy that they were in town, they were able to meet Konner. Fui was very very happy to meet Konner and Tanner. I think mostly because it raises the boy/girl ratio a bit in our family :)
We were horsing around and someone pulled off Fui's hat. I guess they pulled off his hair too.

Kalo was in charge of decorations.  They were the BEST!

Sili was in charge of music while we worked. Such hard hard work

Leli's sexy pose

So sweet these guys. They hand cut every page. Then Nia suggested they use a paper cutter. hahahahahaha

Them still cutting paper. so so funny

Leonne was about to break

So was Melba

Fui already did

Love these guys

Melba is training for So You Think You Can Dance?

We kept messing up on the count. The candies kept disappearing

The famous poof balls

The boys got in trouble because they were playing basketball. Then they got in trouble because they weren't poofing properly. Sheesh! never let a man to a woman's job. But look at Tanner! he is having so much fun!

He was concentrating soooo hard

Doing such a good job

Doesn't she look just like a delicate flower??

My sweet sweet Leonne